When Adam followed his own will, he dislocated mankind from the will of God. Jesus, the Second Adam, came specifically to do the will of the Father and in so doing, broke the power of sin and rebellion for all who would enter in so we also would declare ‘Not my will but Thine be done’. When God desires to start something new, it will always require our obedience; whilst our will is at variance with Him, He cannot bring forth in us nor through us, that which He desires. For His Kingdom to come in and through us; for us to adopt the culture of Heaven in anticipation of our eternal dwelling place; we must learn to obey our Creator, which will restore the relationship as Jesus intended, our salvation will be full, our wills in alignment with His, our union with Him complete.The road from rebellion to submission is the sum of our journey; absolute surrender our aim; our utmost for His highest. The glory of the creature is fully restored when our will is aligned with His and we agree and declare with Jesus:
‘Thy will be done, Thy Kingdom come’.
– Beryl Moore
ISBN: 978-1908154460